The Many Benefits of Horse Camp
Whether it is March break or summer camp, it’s one of our favourite programs to offer! Not only is it a whole lot of fun, but it’s an opportunity to observe the magic that happens when children and horses connect.
Camp Introduces Children to the Horse World
I am not sure I know of a child that didn’t grow up wanting a pony. They see a cute and personable animal with functionality and instantly think they would make a great pet. They are not wrong but many people (adults included) vastly underestimate the time and money needed to care for a horse properly.
Horse camp is an excellent opportunity to introduce the reality and responsibility of owning horses and scratch that itch without the full (and expensive) commitment. It has been my experience that many people are just happy to spend some time with the horses. It has also been my experience that people completely fall in love and take it to the next level. Either way, the introduction helps people determine what they would like to do, ranging from a fun week to a lifetime commitment!
Camp Helps to Develop Communication Skills
Horses don’t speak English, or any other human language for that matter. What they do, instead, is communicate using physical cues. Humans also have predictable body language:
A frown or furrowed brow may indicate frustration.
A smile can tell us that someone is receptive to being approached.
A relaxed posture can tell us that someone is comfortable in our presence.
Tense shoulders can signal discomfort or uncertainty.
Camp-age children are developmentally wired for learning and it is a great time to learn how to read body language.
Camp Can be a Confidence Booster
Watching a child lead a horse in the arena is so rewarding. They have learned how to tug the rope with just enough tension, to place their own body in proximity to the animal, and to adjust their composure and mannerisms to exude confidence through the activity.
For many kids, this type of confidence doesn’t come naturally and is the result of being in a safe environment where they can make mistakes and have space to learn how to react to feedback. Horses are honest communicators, they provide instant and obvious feedback. The positioning of their ears, a swoosh of a tail, and even the noises they make are all communicating a message. Learning how to decipher that message and respond appropriately is the key to confidence building in human-to-human communication too!
Camp Helps to Build Relationships
While we certainly aim to have children develop healthy relationships with the horses and other farm animals, we equally encourage them to apply those relationship-building skills to new and existing friendships. Camp activities are specifically designed to encourage children to mingle and connect with their peers.
Children quickly realize that the way they should approach a horse is the same way they should approach a person. I highly doubt you greet a human you have never met with a pat on the bum (or maybe you do and you probably shouldn’t…). Generally speaking, you enter someone's field of vision, offer a friendly greeting, and then go from there.
Campers always leave with new friends, both human and animal!
Camp is a Chance to Relax and Have Fun
While there are many developmental benefits to attending horse camp, campers ultimately come to have some fun! With various activities and all the adventure that comes with a barn, your kiddos are bound to have a time to remember.